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A BandwidthSolutions representative will be in contact with you within 1 hour during business hours. You can contact our office using the information below should you need to talk with someone ASAP.

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Your billing will come directly from the provider. As your telecom liaison, we offer an ongoing bill analysis to ensure it is accurate and remains that way over time. We will NEVER send you a bill.
We have direct working relationships with our providers through dedicated account managers in a connection that the industry calls “The Channel”. Since there is no overhead cost of using “The Channel”, BandwidthSolutions receives the same pricing as the provider’s sales reps The main difference between us and provider sales reps – We don’t have a sales quota, so we focus on your company, not the bottom line.
Yes. We know it sounds too good to be true, but we do not charge you for any consulting services for the life of your telecom contract. Providers pay us a monthly referral fee. We will NEVER charge our clients for any of our consultation services.
You don’t pay a penny for our consulting services – the telecom providers do. They pay us a monthly referral fee. We will NEVER charge our clients for any of our consultation services.

Absolutely. BandwidthSolutions assigns a dedicated account manager who will be your advocate before, during, and after any of your order installations. Your satisfaction is paramount to us.

If you don’t see a swift solution from the provider, call our customer service team with a description of the problem along with a trouble-ticket, and we’ll work to resolve the issue on your behalf.

A Telecommunications Broker offers and sells telecom services to businesses on behalf of providers. We make sure your company gets the services you need at the price we negotiate for you.  BandwdithSolutions has direct agreements with the providers  with which enables us to offer their products to you at their most competitive prices.

No, however we work with several ancillary vendors and we will be happy to refer some to you. Contact Us for a list of vendors in your area.

One Contact, One Quote, Up to 10 Providers

All information submitted to BandwidthSolutions is kept confidential.
You will be only by one person at BandwidthSolutions and never a 3rd party.